EFO Rule of Life

Each member of the EFO is asked to include one of these points during their regular prayer times.  It would usually be said at the end of morning  prayer, as we think this helps the person focus on the Rule as they go about their daily tasks.  We have split the Rule into days of the week, so that everyone can be focused on the same point each day.


Sunday:  Poverty

To retain sufficient resources to meet basic living needs, and those resources which are needed to achieve ministries.  Any excess should be shared among those in need.


Monday:  Chastity

To remain dedicated to the promises of fidelity and sanctity either as a single or with a partner.

Tuesday:  Obedience

To unreservedly remain faithful and abide by this rule and the Order’s governing councils.


 Wednesday:  Prayer

To pray the Divine Offices of Morning Prayer, Midday Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline.

To be present at the Eucharist as frequently as is possible, with daily attendance being preferred.


Thursday:  Prayer

To spend as much time in private prayer (in addition to the Eucharist and the Divine Offices) as is possible.

To respect and keep the rules of silence as defined in each house.


Friday:  Study

To spend some time each week in theological study and reflection, so as to remain informed and conversant in spiritual matters.


Saturday:  Work

To undertake regular (paid or unpaid) work as is required to assist the Order, the house, the community it supports, and the ministries in which it is engaged.